
<gr-button> | GrButton

Buttons provide a clickable element, which can be used in forms, or anywhere that needs simple, standard button functionality. They may display text, icons, or both. Buttons can be styled with several attributes to look a specific way.




Use the variant attribute to set the appropiate button style.

Variant Purpose
default Most common button in the interface. Only use another variant if a button requires more or less visual weight.
primary Use for the main view's call-to-action. Don’t use more than one primary button in a section or screen to avoid overwhelming the user.
secondary Use for secondary actions in a section or screen. Most commonly used when there is already a primary action and we want to highlight another action with a different style.
danger Use when the action will delete data or be otherwise difficult to recover from.
plain Use for less important or less commonly used actions since they’re less prominent.
Default Primary Secondary Danger Plain
<gr-button variant="primary">Primary</gr-button>
<gr-button variant="secondary">Secondary</gr-button>
<gr-button variant="danger">Danger</gr-button>
<gr-button variant="plain">Plain</gr-button>


Use the size attribute to change a button's size.

Small Medium Large
<gr-button size="small">Small</gr-button>
<gr-button size="large">Large</gr-button>


Use the pill attribute to give buttons rounded edges.

Small Medium Large
<gr-button size="small" pill>Small</gr-button>
<gr-button size="medium" pill>Medium</gr-button>
<gr-button size="large" pill>Large</gr-button>


Icons can be used in buttons when additional clarity is required. Icons should not be used for decoration.

Use the start and end slots to add icons (or other content). As a general rule, a button should not have more than one icon.

We recommend Ionicons (which also supports custom SVG), but you could theoretically use any icon library. Use the same icon set throughout your application for consistency.

Settings Refresh
<ion-icon name="settings-outline" slot="start" aria-hidden="true"></ion-icon>

<ion-icon name="refresh-outline" slot="end" aria-hidden="true"></ion-icon>

Circular icon buttons

Use the circle attribute in combination with the icon-only slot to create circular icon buttons.

There are certain instances where an icon will suffice in place of a text label, but use icon buttons cautiously. Be sure that the icon used is easily recognizable.

Setting a aria-label attribute is required for accessibility.

<gr-button variant="primary" size="small" aria-label="Add" circle>
<ion-icon name="add-outline" slot="icon-only"></ion-icon>

<gr-button variant="primary" aria-label="Add" circle>
<ion-icon name="add-outline" slot="icon-only"></ion-icon>

<gr-button variant="primary" size="large" aria-label="Add" circle>
<ion-icon name="add-outline" slot="icon-only"></ion-icon>

It's often helpful to have a button that works like a link. This is possible by setting the href attribute, which will make the component render an <a> under the hood. This gives you all the default link behavior the browser provides (e.g. CMD/CTRL/SHIFT + CLICK) and exposes the target & rel attributes (if you set a target it is recommended to set rel="noopener noreferrer" for security reasons).

<gr-button href="https://paqt.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Link</gr-button>

Block Button

Use the expand="block" attribute to create a full-width button with rounded corners.

<gr-button expand="block">Block</gr-button>

Full Button

Use the expand="full" attribute to create a full-width button with square corners and no border on the left or right. Useful if you want it to run over the full-width of the viewport or a section (where you don't apply any horizontal margin/padding).

<gr-button expand="full">Full</gr-button>


Use the caret attribute to add a dropdown indicator when a button will trigger a dropdown, menu, or popover.

Small Medium Large
<gr-button size="small" caret>Small</gr-button>
<gr-button size="medium" caret>Medium</gr-button>
<gr-button size="large" caret>Large</gr-button>


Use the loading attribute to make a button busy. The width will remain the same as before, preventing adjacent elements from moving around. Clicks will be suppressed until the loading state is removed.

Set it after the user has clicked the button to prevent double-clicks, and give feedback to the user the click has been registered and is being processed.

Default Primary Secondary Danger Plain
<gr-button loading>Default</gr-button>
<gr-button variant="primary" loading>Primary</gr-button>
<gr-button variant="secondary" loading>Secondary</gr-button>
<gr-button variant="danger" loading>Danger</gr-button>
<gr-button variant="plain" loading>Plain</gr-button>


Use the disabled attribute to disable a button. Clicks will be suppressed until the disabled state is removed.

Default Primary Secondary Danger Plain
<gr-button disabled>Default</gr-button>
<gr-button variant="primary" disabled>Primary</gr-button>
<gr-button variant="secondary" disabled>Secondary</gr-button>
<gr-button variant="danger" disabled>Danger</gr-button>
<gr-button variant="plain" disabled>Plain</gr-button>

Usage guidelines


You don’t necessarily need to use the buttons in the order that their labels might imply. For example, you don’t always need to use the secondary button as the second button in your layout. The most important thing is to establish a visual hierarchy between the buttons in your UI. Keep the following best practices in mind.

A single, high-emphasis button

As a general rule, a layout should contain a single high-emphasis button (primary) that makes it clear that other buttons have less importance in the hierarchy. This high-emphasis button commands the most attention.

Multiple button emphasis

A high-emphasis button can be accompanied by medium- and low-emphasis buttons that perform less important actions. Keep in mind that you should only group together calls to action that have a relationship to one another.

Although secondary buttons have less visual prominence, they are still tonally heavy. If your layout requires multiple actions — as is the case with some data lists and dashboards — low emphasis buttons (default or plain) may be a better choice.





Cancel Save





Cancel Save

Be concise

Button text should be concise: 1 or 2 words, no longer than 4 words, with fewer than 20 characters including spaces. Don’t use punctuation marks such as periods or exclamation points.

Start experience

Start the experience now!

Use clear text

Button texts should be clear about the outcome of the action. Most buttons should start with a verb. For example, use “Agree” instead of “Yes” in a dialog or use “Sign Up” instead of “Submit” in a form.



Use sentence case

Button text should always be in sentence case. Capitalization should never be used to give more prominence to a specific button.

Get started



get started


Get Started

Use icons only when necessary

Icons can be used in buttons when additional clarity is required and the icon is highly relevant to the action. Icons should not be used for decoration.






Property Attribute Description Type Default
caret caret Set to true to draw the button with a caret for use with dropdowns, popovers, etc. boolean false
circle circle Set to true to draw a circle button. boolean false
disabled disabled If true, the user cannot interact with the button. boolean false
expand expand Set to "block" for a full-width button or to "full" for a full-width button without left and right borders. "block" | "full" undefined
href href Contains a URL or a URL fragment that the hyperlink points to. string undefined
loading loading Set to true to draw the button in a loading state. boolean false
pill pill Set to true to draw a pill-style button with rounded edges. boolean false
rel rel Specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a space-separated list of link types. string undefined
size size The button's size. "large" | "medium" | "small" 'medium'
target target Specifies where to display the linked URL. Special keywords: "_blank", "_self", "_parent", "_top". string undefined
type type The type of the button. "button" | "reset" | "submit" 'button'
variant variant The different variants. The options are: "default", "primary", "secondary", "danger", and "plain". "danger" | "default" | "plain" | "primary" | "secondary" 'default'


Event Description Type
gr-blur Emitted when the button loses focus. CustomEvent<void>
gr-focus Emitted when the button has focus. CustomEvent<void>


Slot Description
(default) Content is placed between the named slots if provided without a slot.
"end" Content is placed to the right of the button text (will be to the left when we support right-to-left direction)
"icon-only" Should be used on an icon in a button that has no text.
"start" Content is placed to the left of the button text (will be to the right when we support right-to-left direction)


removeFocus() => Promise<void>

Removes focus from the button.


Type: Promise<void>

setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void>

Sets focus on the button.


Type: Promise<void>

CSS custom properties

Name Description
--background Background of the button
--background-focus Background of the button on focus
--background-hover Background of the button on hover
--border-color Border color of the button
--border-color-focus Border color of the button on focus
--border-color-hover Border color of the button on hover
--border-radius Border radius of the button
--border-style Border style of the button
--border-width Border width of the button
--color Text color of the button
--color-focus Text color of the button on focus
--color-hover Text color of the button on hover
--focus-ring The focus ring style to use when the button receives focus, a box-shadow property.
--height Height of the button
--padding-bottom Bottom padding of the button
--padding-end Right padding of the button (will be left padding when we support right-to-left direction)
--padding-start Left padding of the button (will be right padding when we support right-to-left direction)
--padding-top Top padding of the button
--shadow Shadow of the button, a box-shadow property. Please note this will be overwritted by --focus-ring on focus.
--transition Transition of the button


Used by

Depends on