
<gr-radio> | GrRadio

Radios allow the user to select one option from a group of many.

Radios are designed to be used with radio groups. As such, all of the examples on this page utilize them to demonstrate their correct usage.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
<gr-radio-group label="Select an option" value="1">
<gr-radio value="1">Option 1</gr-radio>
<gr-radio value="2">Option 2</gr-radio>
<gr-radio value="3">Option 3</gr-radio>



Use the disabled attribute to disable a radio.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Disabled
<gr-radio-group label="Select an option">
<gr-radio value="1" checked>Option 1</gr-radio>
<gr-radio value="2">Option 2</gr-radio>
<gr-radio value="3">Option 3</gr-radio>
<gr-radio value="4" disabled>Disabled</gr-radio>

Usage guidelines

Use radio buttons for mutually exclusive options

Radio buttons and checkboxes are not interchangeable. Radio buttons are best used for selecting a single option from a list of mutually exclusive options. Checkboxes are best used for selecting as many options as desired (or none).

Small Medium Large

Travel Music Shopping


Property Attribute Description Type Default
checked checked Set to true to draw the radio in a checked state. boolean false
disabled disabled Set to true to disable the radio. boolean false
value value The radio's value attribute. string undefined


Event Description Type
gr-blur Emitted when the control loses focus. CustomEvent<any>
gr-focus Emitted when the control gains focus. CustomEvent<any>


removeFocus() => Promise<void>

Removes focus from the radio.


Type: Promise<void>

setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void>

Sets focus on the radio.


Type: Promise<void>


Slot Description
(default) The radio's label.

CSS custom properties

Name Description
--control-background-color Background color of the control
--control-background-color-checked Background color of the control when checked
--control-background-color-checked-focus Background color of the control when checked on focus
--control-background-color-checked-hover Background color of the control when checked on hover
--control-background-color-focus Background color of the control on focus
--control-background-color-hover Background color of the control on hover
--control-border-color Border color of the control
--control-border-color-checked Border color of the control when checked
--control-border-color-checked-focus Border color of the control when checked on focus
--control-border-color-checked-hover Border color of the control when checked on hover
--control-border-color-focus Border color of the control on focus
--control-border-color-hover Border color of the control on hover
--control-color-checked Color of the control when checked (the small circle)
--control-size Size of the control
--label-color Color of the label